Taking seltzer into my own hands

It's been a wild journey of reviewing seltzers so far. I have learned a lot and tasted so many different varaitions of carbonated alcohol. I began to get a little overwhelmed and my taste buds are still not satisfied that I have found The One. 

I recently had a birthday and was given a very special present. Many people toasted me, recognizing my love for hard seltzer by raising the brand of their choice. But one friend did something extraordinary. She hoisted up a box and extended it toward me. I zeroed in on the unwrapped gift and there it was: 


I cannot even begin to express my excitment over such a product, but I sure will try!! This is next-level-genius--I can only hope I followed the very easy directions closely enough to produce something that meets my incredibly high expectations and standards.

To my devoted followers: I am so sorry for keeping you waiting. The delay in this post's publication is due to my fascination with this new product. I have never heard of Nerthern Brewer but they are officially allowing me to develop my own seltzer and for that, I thank them (and have fallen in love with them?). And how can I ignore the presence of a mermaid tail on their logo? Is that a playful nod toward Bon and Viv?  

I am currently in the beginning stages of my brew (see photo below) and have decided to play with the sugar ingredient (not add as much) becuase, as you'll remember from a prior post, I prefer the seltzers that are not as sweet. My search for The One may be over: I will now attempt to CREATE The One. 

Ladies and gents, there's a lesson here somewhere, probably (maybe not). 

I will update this post when the brew is complete. If I don't, assume I failed miserably. 

For now, cheers!


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