
Taking seltzer into my own hands

It's been a wild journey of reviewing seltzers so far. I have learned a lot and tasted so many different varaitions of carbonated alcohol. I began to get a little overwhelmed and my taste buds are still not satisfied that I have found The One.  I recently had a birthday and was given a very special present. Many people toasted me, recognizing my love for hard seltzer by raising the brand of their choice. But one friend did something extraordinary. She hoisted up a box and extended it toward me. I zeroed in on the unwrapped gift and there it was:  A BUILD YOUR OWN HARD SELTZER KIT (ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!??!!?!) I cannot even begin to express my excitment over such a product, but I sure will try!! This is next-level-genius--I can only hope I followed the very easy directions closely enough to produce something that meets my incredibly high expectations and standards. To my devoted followers: I am so sorry for keeping you waiting. The delay in this post's publication is due to my f...

Post #3: Bon, Viv, and Molly: A Love Story

I write to you on this lovely Monday evening to introduce you to a brand that has become a constant in my life during this nothing-is-constant time. Her name is Bon & Viv and it is one of the first brands to command that we respect alcoholic sparkling water. You remember my first post? Yes, exactly! This is "the one with the mermaids" that got me turned on to spiked seltzers. Well it used to be...they have since updated their look and the mermaid is a lot less prominent on their logo (see photos below for comparison). Above: the old Bon and Viv logo, feauring a no-longer-in-operation flavor: "Classic" credit: Above: The new look featuring my favorite flavor: "Pear Elderflower" credit: Note: each can has a different color accent on the rim depending on flavor. Often forgotten about or left out of the disucssion of great hard seltzers, Bon & Viv has proven time and time again that they are the hidden gem of t...

Post #2 The Coronavirus made me do it

You saw them. Don't lie to me. Everyone saw them! They were practically the only thing left on the shelves in March. Yes, March 2020.  When Covid hit we all filled the stores and scrounged for dry goods. I walked in to many stores and when glancing towards the alchohol aisle, I noticed the inventoary was lush. My eyes zeroed in on the seltzers and I almost fell on my butt when I saw the newest brand to throw their hat into the spiked seltzer game. The aptly named, Corona Seltzer made its devue in my heart at the start of quarantine (a lockdown due to  Corona virus).  I know I am not the first one to make this connection between the brand and COVID-19, but this was my first time seeing this brand's seltzer and I was skeptical to say the least. "What a gimic, who do they think they are?" I sneered as I grabbed a Truly Berry Pack and some random bags of beans (again, nothing on the shelves in March 2020). I turned my back on them that day, but once my roommate came home ...

This is going to be HARD

  I gazed into my fridge this morning and took in the view: countless colorful slim cans. All claim similar things: " 90 Calories!" "Natural Flavors!" "Voted #1 Hard Seltzer" "New Look, Same Great Taste!" and it goes on.  But which one is the best? For which occasion? Best overall? I will find all of this out, but first: an introduction. I have come to terms with the fact that I am fully bought in to this relatively new trend/way to consume alchohol. It started for me about 3 or 4 years ago with the brand Bon & Viv, though up until recently, I didn't remember the brand beyond "the one with mermaids on it from that beer fest."  I was at a local beer fest during my senior year of college (classic I-just-turned-21 move). The lovely lady at the counter handed me a sample and some gold temporary tattoos of mermaids. I took a sip and was instantly intrigued--what a concept! "Super down!" I think was my immediate verbal react...